If you have successfully logged in to your MyID account but are unable to access certain Employee Self-Service links, such as viewing your paystub, it may be helpful to follow the steps below to reinstate your access to the SAP system. Most commonly, you will see an error message that says "User account not in validity dates".
These issues may occur when...
- A new or re-hired cast member has not logged into SAP within 90 days from when they started.
- A current cast member has not launched SAP for over 90 days.
To resolve this issue, please perform the following steps:
- Close all existing browser sessions. Then, open a new Incognito or In Private window.
- Internet Explorer/ Edge: Tools → InPrivate Browsing
- Chrome: More (⋮) → New incognito window
- Safari: File → New Private Window
- Go to MyDisneyToday and authenticate via MyID using your Company Assigned username and password.
- Search for "SAP Workplace" from ALL Resources and click the resource Tile for SAP Workplace that displays.
- From the Home Page screen, users can reactivate their accounts by clicking on the ‘Click here’ link as shown below.
- Close the SAP Workplace page and reopen from ALL Resources in MyDisney Today. You should now be able to access SAP applications.
For additional details, you may view this resource provided by our partners from the IT team.
If you continue to see this error message, please open a ticket with D Tools IT and ask for it to be assigned to the app-global-tlsec assignment group. You may also call the IT team at +1-866-534-7639. If you are currently on board, you may place this call free of charge from your cabin by dialing 9 and then the number.